Creative direction : Warren Harper  // Photographer : John Thatcher // Head of Marketing : Bill Hodak
The 2016 outdoor campaign for Sift Science was conceived and shot in-house. We wanted this to be a brand building exercise and so we kept it simple, not trying to explain features of the product or technical details. At the very least, we wanted the Sift Science name to be associated with the word ‘fraud’. We're not a household brand so we needed an idea that would grab attention and make people look twice.
We ran multiple billboards in both San Francisco and New York as well as a ‘Station Takeover’ at Caltrain in SF.
This is our most successful campaign to date with the public reaching out over social media on a daily basis. We were featured on the front page of Reddit after a user shared a picture of one of our billboards, and one of our own pictures on Facebook attracted almost 3000 likes and 290 shares. Recruiting also experienced a flood of applications in all departments with candidates referencing the billboards.

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